“Zero Equals One: Creating A Business From Nothing”
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 (2.00 - 4.00 PM Indonesia Time)
We extend our warmest welcome to you and look forward to your participation in this enriching webinar. Your presence will undoubtedly contribute to the success of this event.
Opening Speech
1. Dr. Joseph Teguh Santoso (Rector STEKOM University) Indonesia
1. Ph.D. Ivanna Vasylivna Melnychuk (Assoc Prof of Enterprise Economic Dept) IFNTUOG, Ukraine
2. Ph.D. Savko Oksana Yaroslavivna ( Assoc Prof of Enterprise Economic Dept) IFNTUOG, Ukraine
3. Dr. Kishen (Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business, Economics & Accounting) HELP, Malaysia
4. Wibi Ardi Alvianto, M.Pd. (Director Students Affairs & Lecturer of Visual Communication Design Dept) STEKOM, Indonesia
Host : Novita (International Affairs STEKOM University)
Registration : https://bit.ly/reg-zeroequalsone
Link Zoom : https://bit.ly/meet-zeroequalsone
Meeting ID : 823 7150 0330 Passcode : STEKOM
Live YouTube : https://bit.ly/live-zeroequalsone
(We kindly request you to subscribe and enable notifications to ensure you don't miss this valuable event)
1. STEKOM University PMB Brochuree : https://bit.ly/brosurPMB_UnivSTEKOM
2. STEKOM University Profile : https://bit.ly/profile_UnivSTEKOM
3. STEKOM University Scholarship Link : http://beasiswa.stekom.ac.id/
Organized by the University of Science & Computer Technology (STEKOM) (STEKOM University ranks in the top 10 Best Universities in Central Java version of UniRank 2023)
in collaboration with the National Ivano-Frankivsk Targeted Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ukraine), HELP University (Malaysia), STIE STEKOM, Industrial and Vocational Community Association (PERKIVI), Indonesian Smart Teacherpreneur Association (PTIC), and TopLoker.com
Benefits : be awarded a certificate verified by verifikasi.me
Consultation : http://wa.me/6285880000011 |