”Overcoming Language Barriers in International Business Communication” Tuesday, December 05, 2023 (2.00 - 4.00 PM Indonesia Time)
We extend our warmest welcome to you and look forward to your participation in this enriching webinar. Your presence will undoubtedly contribute to the success of this event.
Opening Speech 1. Dr. Joseph Teguh Santoso (Rector STEKOM University) Indonesia Speakers 1. Sergii Karpenko (Lecturer, Dept of Comp Science &Software Engineering & Software Development Director Oracle) ISTU, Ukraine 2. Marhayta Parshyna (PhD in Economic Sciences, Assoc Prof of International Economic Relations & Regional Studies Dept) UMCF, Ukraine 3. Ida Hendriyani, M.Hum. (Lecturer of Computer System Dept) STEKOM, Indonesia Host : Anggi Novita Sari (International Affairs) STEKOM, Indonesia Registration : https://bit.ly/reg-communication Link Zoom : https://bit.ly/meet-communication Meeting ID : 840 2029 1532 Passcode : STEKOM
Live YouTube : https://bit.ly/live-incommunication (We kindly request you to subscribe and enable notifications to ensure you don't miss this valuable event)
1. STEKOM University PMB Brochuree : https://bit.ly/brosurPMB_UnivSTEKOM 2. STEKOM University Profile : https://bit.ly/profile_UnivSTEKOM 3. STEKOM University Scholarship Link : http://beasiswa.stekom.ac.id/
Organized by the University of Science & Computer Technology (STEKOM) (ranked 1st Best Private Higher Education Center in Central Java according to UniRank 2023)
in collaboration with the International Scientific and Technical University (Ukraine), University of Customs & Finance (Ukraine), STIE STEKOM, Industrial and Vocational Community Association (PERKIVI), Indonesian Smart Teacherpreneur Association (PTIC), and TopLoker.com
Benefits : be awarded a certificate verified by verifikasi.me Consultation : http://wa.me/6285880000011