"Link and Match Between Education and Industry and Technology Transference"
Opening Speech : Dr. Joseph, M.Kom. (Praktisi Industri, Kabid Hub Kemitraan Strategis Penyelarasan Industri IGVI dan Rektor Universitas STEKOM)
Narasumber :
1. Edy Siswanto, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Chairman IGVI)
2. Asst Prof. Dr. Tan, Chee Wei B.S. M.A. Ph.D (Director of Hong Kong Education Bureau’s Programme)
3. Dr. Marcos A. Coronado Ortega, M.Sc. (Head of the Biomass and Bioenergetics Laboratory and Leader of the Energy Systems Academic Unit, Mexico)
4. Dr. Ernesto Beltrán-Partida, Ph.D. (Professor of biomaterials science, tissue engineering, nanobiotechnology, and molecular biology at the Institute of Engineering of UABC, Mexico)
Hari: Sabtu, 12 Desember 2020
Pukul: 09.00 WIB s.d. 12.OO WIB

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